A platform to help no-code/indie makers get a quick exit through tiny acquisitions.

The Assumption

There is an attribute that I possess as an indie/no-code maker that I find to be financially unsustainable.

This is the practice of building new landing pages, small apps, half-built solutions, lead pages etc to get that 'wonderful' next idea out into the open (mostly twitter) but eventually finding it very difficult to get an exit when the idea either doesn't pan out, doesn't become profitable enough or there is loss of energy to carry it further.


Most (assumption) indie makers are solopreneurs, completely bootstrapping their ideas with the aim of eventually making enough money to quit their jobs, not take freelance gigs, and just enjoy the building process for fun.

The Premise

I think we may not be inclined towards building businesses (in a traditional sense) and maybe not too interested in going too deep into legal, accounting, customer and employee related matters.

Maybe what would be close to ideal is to get an idea, launch it, operate it for a few months, then get a quick exit (3 months).

If this is the case, then I want to help to create an avenue for such an exit.

What is Tiny Acquisitions?

Let's take the philosophical approach and say what it's not first.

It's not a place for selling templates, plugins, elements, landing pages or lead pages. It's not for selling template apps.